This seven-piece installation is a story of the political climate we are living under now, IN 2023.

My ideas are in the seven art pieces and I would like to hear your opinion. Will you come up with the same story as mine or will you refute my opinion?  rESPOND TO ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR VIA EMAIL (SEE CONTACT ME PAGE!).

No Opinions are incorrect. This is not about Republicans and Democrats; it is about making certain we have a better future going forward.

For more information or sales/EXHIBIT INFORMATION, please contact the artist directly.


Mixed Media

50 X 18 1/2


Mixed Media

14 X 17

Order Chaos.jpg


Wood & Acrylic

20 x 3 x 21



Mixed Media

24 X 36

Modern Survival

Styrofoam & Pill Bottles - Typed onto each cap are the 15 drugs that people are currently most addicted to.

14 x 12 x 15

Brain Games.JPG

Brain Games

Mixed Media - One inch square blocks with a puzzle on each of the four sides. when one puzzle is showing, the other three will never match up.

Uncertain is the main puzzle, the second puzzle is vertical rows of colors, The third has a hasty wood burning of the main puzzle.

The fourth puzzle contains marker written quotes of It's a Matter of Perception.

Kennedy: "Ask Not"

Regan:  "Heros are braver five minutes longer"

Nixon:  "And then you destroy yourself"

Clinton: "If you live long enough you make mistakes"

Bush: "A leader is someone who brings people together”

Obama: "We are the change"

12 x 2 x 18


Black Hole.JPG

Black Hole

Wood & Spray Paint

24 x 4 x 19